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Detailed admission requirements are contained in the University of Toronto Viewbook, which is available in secondary school guidance offices throughout Ontario or on the Admissions and Awards web site or through the Faculty of Arts and Science Student Recruitment Office. They are also available on the University’s web site for prospective students. Candidates from countries other than Canada should also consult the International Undergraduate Admissions Bulletin available on the Admissions and Awards web site. Admissions and Awards
University of Toronto, Arts & Science Student Recruitment Office
2032-100 St. George St. Minimum Admission Requirements for Applicants from Ontario Secondary Schools Applicants must be eligible to receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, present six Grade 12 U or M courses including ENG4U/EAE4U, and meet any prerequisites for their intended program of study. Minimum Admission Requirements for Applicants from Outside Ontario Secondary Schools The Faculty of Arts and Science is home to a rich and varied student body. Although most of our students are from Southern Ontario, we have students from every province of Canada and from over 90 foreign countries. We encourage application by qualified students from outside Ontario. Applicants must present a satisfactory academic record from recognized academic institutions and meet the requirements listed in the International Undergraduate Admissions Bulletin, available for download from the Admissions and Awards web site . The specific average or standing required for admission varies from year to year. Canadian Students Applicants from the Province of Quebec must present twelve academic C.E.G.E.P. courses including two terms of English/anglais. Applicants from all other provinces and territories in Canada must present grade 12 matriculation. For detailed information, check the Admissions and Awards web site . American Students Applicants from the United States must present Grade 12 matriculation and present good scores in SAT Reasoning or ACT examinations. Students must present the Writing Test. Applicants must also present at least three SAT Subject Test scores or AP scores in subjects appropriate to their proposed area of study. Those seeking admission to science or business/commerce programs are strongly advised to complete AP Calculus AB or BC or IB Mathematics. For detailed information, check the Admissions and Awards web site . Other Applicants Information on admission requirements for international applicants is available on the Admissions and Awards web site . All Applicants from Outside the Ontario School System In addition to meeting the Faculty of Arts and Science admission requirements, students intending to enrol in Commerce, Economics or Science programs must have completed, or must take, a full credit secondary school course or equivalent in Calculus which covers the geometric notion of a limit, the differentiation and integration of elementary functions and provides them with a geometric grasp of differentiation and integration in place of Grade 12 Calculus. Please note that Commerce and Computer Science require a second math. As of 2008, Life Science and Physical and Mathematical Science will also require a second math. For further information on acceptable mathematics courses or equivalents, please contact the Department offering the program in which you intend to enrol. The Faculty of Arts and Science offers a special first-year calculus course entitled MAT 136Y - Calculus and its Foundations, limited to students from outside of Ontario interested in the biological, physical, commerce or computer sciences and commerce and whose high school mathematics preparation is strong but does not include calculus. For more information, consult the Mathematics listing starting on page 316 of this Calendar for a full course description as well as the Registration Handbook and Timetable. PUMP (Preparing for University Math Program) PUMP is a non-credit, intensive course specially designed to prepare students for entry-level mathematics courses, like calculus and linear algebra. It is designed primarily for students from outside Ontario who require additional pre-university mathematics background. The course costs $600.00 (subject to change). For more information, see the web site at English Facility Requirement Applicants whose first language (language learned at home as a child) is not English may have to present proof of English facility. For details, see the Admissions and Awards web site . Other Admission Categories Students Transferring from University of Toronto Mississauga and University of Toronto Scarborough Students transferring from the University of Toronto Mississauga and the University of Toronto Scarborough apply using an internal application available on the Admissions and Awards web site (click "Applications/Deadlines"). Students transferring from University of Toronto Mississauga and University of Toronto Scarborough must follow the degree requirements and observe the course exclusions in the St. George Campus Calendar; for example: the St. George campus Distribution Requirement must be completed. Admission with Transfer Credit Candidates with acceptable standing at other universities, or at other divisions of this University (including the University of Toronto Mississauga and the University of Toronto Scarborough), may be considered for admission with transfer credit provided that the content of the studies for which credit is sought is considered appropriate for inclusion in a degree program offered by the Faculty. Transfer credits are assessed after admission once the student has completed the online application and paid the assessment fee. Students who have completed a bachelor's degree, see section entitled "Admission of External Students to a Second Degree Program" in the next column. The Faculty grants up to a maximum of five credits to candidates who have completed a three-year diploma at Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology/Institutes of Technology and Advanced Learning, and a maximum of two generic credits to candidates who have completed a two-year diploma at Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology/Institutes of Technology and Advanced Learning. Otherwise a maximum of ten transfer credits may be granted. Students who have completed post-secondary studies are required to apply for on-admission transfer credit. Regardless of the number of transfer credits granted, at least five of the six 300+series courses required for an Honours degree must be completed with a passing mark in this Faculty. Newly admitted students have one year from the date of their transfer credit assessment, or from the date of their first registration in the Faculty, whichever is later, to request a reassessment or adjustment. The same time limit applies to all departmental interviews. Candidates who have completed Arts and Science courses while enrolled in other Divisions of this university or while enrolled as non-degree students in this Faculty prior to degree studies will have these courses and grades included in the academic record. Admission Restricted to “Part-Time” Students restricted to a reduced course load on admission may take no more than 2.5 courses over the Fall-Winter Sessions. They may take a maximum of 1.0 course in the Summer Session. If these students wish to transfer to full-time studies, they may apply through their College Registrar after the session in which they pass at least 4 courses in the Faculty with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.50. (Transfer credits are not counted.) See also Number of Courses Taken (“Course Load”). Admission “On Probation” Candidates who fail to satisfy the Faculty’s admission requirements, but successfully appeal for special consideration of the circumstances which have affected their studies at other universities, or other Faculties or Schools of this University including the University of Toronto Scarborough and the University of Toronto Mississauga, may be admitted On Probation. The academic requirements that such students must meet are the same as those required of students who encounter academic difficulties while registered in the Faculty. The academic status will remain, “On Probation”, until the session in which the student attempts his/her fourth course, at which time a further status will be assigned. Students who are admitted on probation and who have retained credits from previous courses in this Faculty will have the total number of retained credits and grades included in the four course attempts. Refer to Section Six, Rules and Regulations: Academic Status, in this Calendar. Students may be at risk of academic suspension from the Faculty and are strongly urged to consult their college registrar for appropriate counselling before registering and if necessary, during the course of their studies. Admission as a Non-Degree Student Non-degree students are registered in the Faculty but are not proceeding towards a degree offered by the Faculty. Most Non-degree students have completed a degree and are taking further courses for their own purposes, including admission to graduate studies. Students admitted as degree students cannot become Non-degree students unless they have completed an Honours or Four Year degree, or are returning to the Faculty as Non-degree students on a Letter of Permission from another institution. To apply for admission as a Non-degree student, download the application from the Admissions and Awards web site (click "Applications/Deadlines"). Admission of External Students to a Second Degree Program Applicants with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or equivalent from another university who wish to complete a second undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science may apply for admission to a second degree program. Before applying, external candidates are urged to determine whether a second degree is actually required for their purposes; for example, a “make-up” year as a non-degree student may satisfy admission requirements for a graduate program. The Faculty grants a maximum of five transfer credits—four at the 100 level and one at the 200 level. It is not possible to complete a second undergraduate degree in the same field as the first degree. Students who have completed post-secondary studies are required to apply for on-admission transfer credit. To apply, check the Admissions and Awards web site (click "Applications/Deadlines"). Admission as Non-Degree Visiting Students Students with valid Letters of Permission from other accredited North American universities who have not been officially admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science may register as visiting students at Woodsworth College, taking courses for transfer credit at their own home university. Non-degree visiting student registration does not imply acceptance as either a student proceeding towards a degree or a Non-degree student. Students will receive grade point averages and status as outlined in Section 6. Students must observe Faculty policies, including the prohibition on repeating a “passed” course. For application information and deadlines, check or contact Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A9 (416-978-5880). Students who have transferred to other universities, but wish to return to the Faculty on a Letter of Permission should re-register at their original college as non-degree students. Admission as International Non-Degree Visiting Summer Students Students with valid Letters of Permission from recognized International universities who have not been officially admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science may register as visiting students through the International Summer Program (ISP) at Woodsworth College. Students would take summer courses for transfer credit at their own home university. Non-degree international visiting student registration does not imply acceptance as either a student proceeding towards a degree or a Non-degree student. Students will receive grade point averages and status (see page 479). Students must observe Faculty policies, including the prohibition on repeating a “passed” course. For application information and deadlines, check or contact Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A9, (416-978-8713). Admission as Non-Matriculants; Academic Bridging Program Candidates at least twenty-one years of age who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and who do not hold the published admission requirements, may apply for admission as non-matriculants. They must present proof of age, and must complete, with high standing, at least one of the Academic Bridging courses offered by Woodsworth College. All candidates should consult Admissions and Awards concerning their eligibility to qualify as a non-matriculant through the Academic Bridging Program. Information on the Academic Bridging Program is provided on page 51 of this Calendar. Further information is also available at or by contacting Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A9 (416-978-7487; email Admission of Senior Citizens Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who are at least sixty-five years of age by the first day of the term, may register in the Faculty at Woodsworth Colleges as part-time Special Students. They do not have to meet the academic requirements for admission. Applicants should contact Woodsworth College at 416-978-4444 for admission and tuition fee information. Re-Registration in the Faculty Students previously registered as degree or non-degree students in this Faculty who wish to return after an absence must submit a "Request for Re-registration Form" (charge $24) through their college registrar's office. Re-registration is necessary for students who have not registered in this Faculty within the previous 12 months. Students with outstanding accounts may not re-register at the University until these accounts are paid. See page 474 for payment deadlines. " Request for Re-Registration" forms should be submitted at least one week prior to the fall/winter enrolment window for your year of study (see the Registration Handbook &Timetable for details). Prior to course selection you will need to make sure you are enrolled in an appropriate combination of Subject POSts (programs of study) for your degree. It is advisable for you to make arrangements to see a counsellor at your college to go over changes in policies and procedures as well as to clarify the degree requirements you are following. " Request for Re-Registration" forms can be accepted until August 18, 2006 for Fall/Winter enrolment although space in courses will be limited at this point. Students who previously studied as non-degree visiting students do not request re-registration. They must submit a new visiting student application and valid letter of permission through Woodsworth College (see “Admission as Non-Degree Visiting Students” on the previous page for details). Admission to Other University of Toronto Faculties/Programs Many professional studies require completion of one or more years of study in Arts and Science before you apply to them. For detailed admission and contact information on professional studies, please refer to