Professors Emeriti
D.F. Andrews, M Sc, Ph D
D.A.S. Fraser, BA, Ph D, FRSC
I. Guttman, MA, Ph D
M.S. Srivastava, M Sc, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department
K. Knight, M Sc, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair - Graduate Studies
A. Feuerverger, B Sc, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair - Undergraduate Studies
D. Brenner M Sc, Ph D
University Professor
N.M. Reid, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC
S. Broverman, M Sc, Ph D, ASA
M.J. Evans, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
A. Feuerverger, B Sc, Ph D
X.S. Lin, M Sc, Ph D, ASA
P. McDunnough, M Sc, Ph D
R. Neal, B Sc, Ph D
J. Quastel, MS, Ph D
J.S. Rosenthal, MA, Ph D
J. Stafford, M Sc, Ph D
Associate Professors
D. Brenner, M Sc, Ph D
L.J. Brunner, MA, Ph D (UTM)
Assistant Professors
A. Badescu
R. Craiu, B Sc, Ph D
S. Jaimungal, B A Sc, M Sc, Ph D
B. Virág, Ph D (UTSC)
Senior Lecturer
A.M. Vukov, MA, ASA
K. Butler, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
A. Gibbs, B Math, B Ed, MSc, PhD
S.A. Hashim, B Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
A. Weir, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)