Department of Anthropology
- ANT 426H1 Orientalism: Western Views of the Other
Department of English (416-978-3190)
- ENG256Y1 Twentieth-Century
North American Jewish Literature
Department of German (416-926-2324)
- GER260Y1 Elementary Yiddish
- GER360H1 Intermediate Yiddish
- GER361H1 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Translation
- GER362H1 Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Culture in the Soviet
Union, 1917-1941
- GER363Y1 Cultural History of the East European Community, 1800-2000
- GER411H1
Introduction to Critical Theory
- GER462H1
Advanced Yiddish
- GER491Y1
Individual Studies
Department of History (416-978-3363)
- HIS206Y1
Medieval History of the Jewish People
- HIS208Y1
Modern History of the Jewish People
- HIS304Y1
Medieval Spain: 711-1610
- HIS307H1
Middle East International Relations
- HIS338Y1
The Holocaust: Nazi Germany, Occupied Europe, and the Destruction of European
- HIS356H1
Zionism and the State of Israel
- HIS414H1
The Third Reich
- HIS433H1
Polish Jews Since the Partitions of Poland
- HIS442Y1
Antisemitism and Jewish Responses
- HIS444H1
Topics in Jewish History: Society and the Sacred: Birth, Marriage, Death
in Jewish Culture
- HIS451H1
World War II in East Central Europe
Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (416-978-3180)
- HUM199H1/Y1
Mystical Dimensions of Islam and Judaism
- NMC230Y1
Introductory Biblical Hebrew
- NMC256Y1
Literature and Culture of Modern Israel
- NMC257Y1
Literature of Jewish Sages
- NMC278Y1
Introduction to the Modern Middle East
- NMC331H1
Mishnah and Tosefta
- NMC333Y1
Intermediate Biblical Hebrew: Pentateuch
- NMC336Y1
Intermediate Modern Hebrew
- NMC352H1
Faith and Doubt in Modern Hebrew Poetry
- NMC384H1
Life Cycle and Personal Status in Judaism: Reproductive Technology
and Jewish Law
- NMC432Y1
Halakhic Midrashim
Department of Philosophy (416-978-3311)
- PHL338H1
Jewish Philosophy
- PHL410H1
Seminar in Continental Philosophy: Derrida As Philosophical Reader
Department of Political Science (416-978-3343)
- POL345H1
Becoming Israel: War, Peace and the Politics of Israels
- POL421H1
Maimonides and his Modern Interpreters
- POL430Y1
Comparative Studies in Jewish and Non-Jewish Political Thought
Department for the Study of Religion(416-978-2395)
- RLG202Y1
The Jewish Religious Tradition
- RLG220H1
Philosophical Responses to the Holocaust
- RLG221H1
Religious Ethics: the Jewish Tradition
- RLG239H1
Special Topics: Jewish and Christian Polemics
- RLG280Y1
Comparative World Religions
- RLG320H1
Judaism and Christianity in the Second Century
- RLG340Y1
Classical Jewish Theology
- RLG341H1
Dreaming of Zion: Exile and Return in Jewish Thought
- RLG342Y1
Judaism in the Modern Age
- RLG343H1
Kabbala: A History of Mystical Thought in Judaism
- RLG344Y1 AntiSemitism
- RLG345H1
Ecology and Judaism
- RLG346H1
Time and Place in Judaism
- RLG440H1
Advance Topics: Natural Law in Judaism and Christianity
- RLG446H1
Advanced Topics: Religion West III: Maimonides and
his Modern Interpreters
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
- SLA302H1
The Imaginary Jew