2004/2005 Calendar
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Sessional Dates

2004 Summer Sesssion | 2004 Fall Session | 2005 Winter Session

2004 Summer Session
May 2004
17 Classes begin in F and Y section code courses
24 Last day to add courses with F and Y section codes
24 Victoria Day; University closed
June 2004
11 Fees payment deadline for deferred examinations in June 2004; deferred examination cancelled and grade with “0” for examination reinstated to academic record for students who have not paid.
13 Last day to drop courses with F section codes from academic record and GPA. After this deadline a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and calculated into the GPA.
7-16 Arts and Science Spring Convocations
25 Classes end in F section code courses; Fees payment deadline for deferred examinations in August 2004; deferred examination cancelled and grade with “0” for examination reinstated to academic record for students who have not paid.
28-30 Final examinations in F section code courses, and deferred examinations in specified S section code courses from April/May 2004
July 2004
1 Canada Day holiday; University closed July 1 and 2
5 Classes begin in S section code courses
7 First day to request graduation in November 2004
9 Last date to file a petition regarding a final examination in 2004 summer session F section code courses
11 Last day to add courses with S section codes
20 Examination timetable for S and Y section code courses posted
25 Last day to drop courses with Y section codes from academic record and GPA. After this deadline a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and calculated into the GPA.
30 Notification of deferred examination dates during the August examination period mailed to students who have paid fee
August 2004
1 Last day to drop courses with S section codes from academic record and GPA. After this deadline a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and calculated into the GPA.
2 Civic holiday; University closed
13 Classes end in S and Y section code courses
16-20 Final examinations in S and Y section code courses, deferred examinations from April/May 2004, and specified courses from June 2004
20 Last date to file a petition regarding term work in 2004 summer session Y/S section code courses
27 Last date to file a petition regarding a final examination in 2004 summer session Y/S section code courses
September 2004
3 Statement of Results mailed beginning today
19 Last day to request graduation for November 2004
2004 Fall Session
September 2004
6 Labour Day; University closed
9 Fall term classes begin in F and Y section code courses
14-23 Nominations for by-elections for Faculty Committees
22 Last day to add courses with F and Y section codes
22 Last day to enrol in Subject POSt for 2004-2005 Session
October 2004 
4 Joint Meeting of General Committee and Faculty Council; Fees payment deadline for deferred examinations in December 2004; deferred examination cancelled and grade with “0” for examination reinstated to academic record for students who have not paid.
4 First date to request graduation in June 2005 on the Student Web Service
11 Thanksgiving; University closed
22 Examination timetable for F section code courses posted
29 Notification of deferred examination dates during the December examination period mailed to students who have paid fee.
November 2004
1 Meeting of the Faculty General Committee
3 Last day to drop courses with F section codes from academic record and GPA. After this deadline a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and calculated into the GPA.
15 Deadline to request corrections to 2003-2004 Fall/Winter academic record
15-18 Arts and Science Fall Convocations (tentative)
December 2004
8 Classes end
3 Last date to request graduation in June 2005 on the Student Web Service
6 Meeting of the Faculty General Committee
9-20 Final examinations in F section code courses, and deferred exams from August 2004; Term tests in Y section code courses
14 F section code course results begin to be available on the Student Web Service
20 Last date to file a petition regarding term work in 2004 fall session F section courses
21 Winter holidays for students begin; University is closed December 22 to January 2, 2004.
2005 Winter Session
January 2005
3 Winter Session classes begin
7 Last date to file a petition regarding a final examination in 2004 fall session F section courses
16 Deadline to enrol in S section code courses
21 Fees payment deadline for deferred examinations to be written in February; deferred examination cancelled and grade with “0” for examination reinstated to academic record for students who have not paid fee
28 Notification of deferred examination dates during Reading Week mailed to students who have paid fee
February 2005
7 Meetng of the Faculty General Committee
11 Final Examination timetable for S/Y courses posted
13 Last day to drop courses with Y section codes from academic record and GPA. After this deadline a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and calculated into the GPA.
14-18 Reading Week; Deferred Examinations from December 2004
18 Fees payment deadline for deferred examinations to be written in April/May; deferred examination cancelled and grade with “0” for examination reinstated to academic record for students who have not paid
28 Deadline to request corrections to 2004 Summer academic record
March 2005
4 Notification of deferred examination dates during the April/May examination period mailed to students who have paid fee
6 Last day to drop courses with S section codes from academic record and GPA. After this deadline a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and calculated into the GPA.
7 Meeting of the Faculty General Committee
25 Good Friday: University closed
April 2005
4 Joint Meeting of General Committee and Faculty Council
8 Classes end (Apr 9 for Saturday classes)
11-15 Study period; no tests or examinations in this period
18-May 6 Final examinations in S and Y section code courses
18 Final marks for S and Y section code courses begin to be available on the Student Web Service
May 2005
6 Last date to file a petition regarding term work for 2004-2005 fall-winter sessions Y/S section code courses
13 Last date to file a petition regarding a final examination for 2004-2005 fall-winter sessions Y/S section code courses
23 Victoria Day; University closed
27 Statements of Results for the 2004-2005 Fall-Winter Sessions mailed beginning today
June 2005
6-17 Arts and Science Spring Convocation (proposed; subject to change)

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