2003/2004 Calendar
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HUN Hungarian Courses

| Course Winter Timetable |

Elementary Hungarian 130P

The basic features and logic of the language. Development of conversational skills and the reading of easy texts. Open only to students with little or no knowledge of Hungarian. (Offered in alternate years)

Intermediate Hungarian 104P

Review of descriptive grammar; studies in syntax; vocabulary building; intensive oral practice; composition; reading and translation. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

Advanced Language Studies 52S

A synchronic and diachronic survey of the Hungarian language. Conceptualized summary of grammar, syntax, and stylistics; studies in the genesis and historical stages of the language. Brief consideration of living dialects, the basics of poetics; selected problems in translation and language teaching. Readings in Hungarian. (Offered in alternate years)

A Survey of Hungarian Literature 52S

A chronological study of the development of Hungarian literature since the 12th century; emphasis both on outstanding writers and on significant movements or themes. Transformations of ideas and changes in language and style. Readings in Hungarian. (Offered in alternate years)

Hungarian Cinema 26S

Developments until the sixties; auteurism of the sixties (Jancsó, Szabó); documentarism of the seventies (Mészáros); new trends since the eighties. Relations with the European cinema; contributions to the international film world and to film theory. (Offered in alternate years)

The Modern Hungarian Novel (formerly HUN340Y) 52S

Continuity and change in form and content studied from the perspective of the native literary and social tradition and in relation to the evolution of modern European fiction; analogies with other genres and arts; survey of criticism. Readings in Hungarian. (Offered in alternate years)

Hungarian Drama (formerly HUN350Y) 26S

Hungarian theatre prior to the 19th century; birth of the national drama (Katona, Madách); populism and cosmopolitanism; post-war tendencies (Hubay, Orkény, Sütö). Hungarian drama in the European context; the theatre as a social institution. Readings in Hungarian. (Offered in alternate years)

Three Hungarian Film Directors 26S

The course scrutinizes the oeuvre of Miklós Jancsó, Márta Mészáros, and István Szabó, tracing changes in their style and outlook.
Prerequisite: At least 10 full course credits with; at least one of these in film

Independent Study (Hungarian)

Translation course concentrating on Hungarian prose translation
Prerequisite: Permission of Department

Independent Study (Hungarian)

Translation course concentrating on Hungarian prose translation.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department

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