2002/2003 Calendar
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ABS Aboriginal Studies Program

On this page: Introduction | Programs
See also: Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable | Prospective Student Guide to Academic Programs | More on Department


The Aboriginal Studies Program focuses on the language, culture, and history of First Nations' people, contributing to our understanding of the interaction between First Nations and Euro-Canadian Society. It is an inter-disciplinary program which is sponsored by University College. Students are encouraged to seek counselling and information about this program from Professor K.D. Rice, Linguistics (416-978-1763).


Major program (B.A.):
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 300+level courses)
1. ABS 201Y1
2. ABS 210Y1/220Y1
3. ABS 300Y1, 301Y1
4. Two additional full-course equivalents from Group A below (students are encouraged to include ABS 495Y1/496H1/497H1 as one of these courses if possible) (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
5. One additional full-course equivalent from Group A or one full-course equivalent from Group B below (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)

Minor program (B.A.):
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
1. ABS 201Y1
2. ABS 300Y1/301Y1
3. One additional full-course equivalent from Group A below, except for ABS 495Y1/496H1/497H1 (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)
4. One additional full-course equivalent from Group A (except for ABS 495Y1/496H1/497H1) or Group B below (note: some of these courses have prerequisites)

Group A:
ABS210Y1 Introduction to the Ojibwa Language
ABS220Y1 Introduction to an Iroquoian Language
ABS310Y1 Ojibwa Language II
ABS312H1 Ojibwa Dialects
ABS320Y1 Aboriginal Craft: Technical and Theoretical Aspects
ABS330Y1 Aboriginal Music: Technical and Theoretical Aspects
ABS331H1 Aboriginal Music
ABS351H1 Aboriginal Legends and Teaching
ABS352H1 The Indian Acts
ABS402H1 Traditional Indigenous Ecological Knowledge
ABS405Y1 Indigenous Thought and Expression: Creative Non-fiction
ABS495Y1/496H1/497H1 Independent Research (for Major Program students only)
ANT315H1 Arctic Archaeology
ANT365Y1 Aboriginal Societies of North America
ANT453H1 Sub-Arctic Issues
ENG254Y1 Contemporary Native North American Literature
FRE434H1 Native Authors in Quebec
HIS369Y1 The Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes
HIS417Y1 Native and Other Americans
HIS472H1 Topics in Canadian Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal Relations
JAG321H1 Aboriginal People and Environmental Issues in Canada
JFP450H1 First Nations Issues in Health and Healing (offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy)
RLG201Y1 Aboriginal Religion
UNI302H1 The Canadian North
UNI315Y1 First Nations' Perspective on Canada
UNI317Y1 Politics of Aboriginal Self-Government
UNI430H1 Senior Seminar: Rights in the Canadian Context

Group B:
ANT200Y1 Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology
ANT204Y1 Social and Cultural Anthropology
ANT310Y1 Archaeology of North America
ANT311Y1 Archaeological Fieldwork
ANT367Y1 Indigenous Spirituality
ANT410H1 Hunter-Gatherers Past and Present
ENV221Y1 Approaches to Environmental Issues I
ENV236Y1 Human Interactions with the Environment
GGR240Y1 Historical Geography of the Americas
HIS384H1 Colonial Canada: The East
INI327Y1 Race and Representation
JAL253H1 Language and Society
JAL254H1 Sociolinguistics
JIE222Y1 The Study of Environment
POL217H1 Freedom: An Introduction to Political Theory
POL304Y1 Ethnicity and Politics in Canada
SOC220Y1 Social Inequality in Canada

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