AWARDS For students with particularly noteworthy academic results, there are three specific forms of recognition: Recognition of Exceptional Academic Achievement: Deans List This designation is given to degree students in the Faculty having a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.50 or higher, at the end of the Fall-winter or Summer Session in which the fifth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth course, offered by the Faculty and taken for credit, has been passed. The Dean of the Faculty sends a signed certificate to each student. Students who satisfy these criteria but do not receive the certificate at the end of the appropriate session should write to the Faculty Registrar, Faculty of Arts and Science, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George St., Toronto ON, M5S 3G3. Deans List certificates are not issued at the end of the Fall Session. Recognition of Exceptional Academic Achievement: High Distinction and Distinction Students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA* of 3.50 or above are described as graduates With High Distinction. This achievement is noted on the diploma and transcript. Students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA* of 3.20 to 3.49 are described as graduates With Distinction. This achievement is noted on the diploma and transcript. * Note: the Cumulative GPA must be based on at least 5.0 credits taken in the Faculty and used for degree credit. Faculty Scholarships In addition to these
recognitions, there are many academically-based scholarships and other awards
for exceptional degree students. Full details of these scholarships are
available on the
Faculty website and in the Office of the Faculty Registrar, Sidney Smith
Hall, Room 1006, 100 St. George Street. |
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