2002/2003 Calendar
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Office of Student Recruitment

The Office of Student Recruitment in the Faculty of Arts and Science offers a variety of programs to acquaint secondary school students with the Faculty, areas of study, and University life in general. We welcome your inquiries about these programs or about any aspect of our admission requirements and programs of study.

Telephone: 416-978-4272; e-mail: recruit@artsci.utoronto.ca

To qualify for admission to the St. George Campus of the Faculty of Arts and Science, you must:

  • be eligible for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD);
  • present credits in at least SIX Ontario Academic Courses (OACs), including OAC English 1/anglais.
  • If your mother tongue is not English and you have studied in an English-language system for less than four years, you must present proof of English facility — for instance, TOEFL. You do not have to present OAC English 1/anglais but it is strongly recommended;
  • Students are admitted to the St. George Campus in one of FOUR Admission Categories. The admission requirements for each category are indicated below.

The OAC requirements for admission in each category generally prepare you for the first year courses that lead to Programs of Study or “Subject POSts”. You do not actually enrol in a Subject POSt until the end of first year (or in the session in which you are completing your fourth course). However, some programs and first year courses have specific OAC prerequisites that go beyond the general admission OAC prerequisites. These are indicated in the charts below. You should also consult the program listings within this Calendar.

The average required for admission is based on the applicant pool and therefore varies from year to year, but is always higher than 70%. Applicants who do not meet the normal requirements, but have evidence of exceptional ability or extenuating circumstances, may present a written request for special consideration.

Commerce Category

Apply for admission in this category if you plan to pursue a program of study in Commerce & Finance, which combines the related disciplines of Economics and Management.

All applicants offered admission to this category will also be guaranteed enrolment into the Commerce Program at the end of first year (or upon completion of at least four full courses). This guarantee will be granted based on secondary school performance.

To apply for admission to the Commerce category you must present the following six OACs or comparable courses:

  • English 1/anglais;
  • Calculus;
  • Algebra & Geometry or Finite Mathematics; (A & G preferred)
  • Three additional OACs.

If you are admitted in another admission category you may apply to enrol in the required first year courses MGT 120H, ECO 100Y, and MAT 133Y (if you have the MAT course prerequisites of Calculus and Algebra& Geometry or Finite Mathematics). Note, however, that only a limited number of spaces will be available to students from other admission categories.

Life Sciences Category (including Psychology)

If you plan to pursue a Program of Study in one of the Sciences listed below, apply for admission in this Category and present the following six OACs:

  • English 1/anglais;
  • Calculus;
  • Four additional OACs; see table below for OAC prerequisites (in addition to OAC calculus) for the different life science programs.
Program OAC Prerequisites Recommended OACs
Biological Anthropology biology  
Biochemistry biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Biology & Botany biology, chemistry algebra & geometry
Environmental Sciences biology algebra & geometry
Forest Conservation Science biology, chemistry physics
Human Biology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Immunology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Microbiology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Molecular Genetics & Biology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Nutritional Sciences biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Pharmacology biology, chemistry, physics algebra & geometry
Physiology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Psychology*   biology
Toxicology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry, physics
Zoology biology, chemistry algebra & geometry

* The first year psychology course, PSY 100Y, has no OAC prerequisites; however, students require OAC Calculus if they choose subsequently to enrol in the Psychology program.

Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences Category (Includes Information Systems)

If you plan to pursue a Program of Study in one of the sciences listed below, apply for admission in this category and present the following six OACs:

  • English 1/anglais;
  • Calculus;
  • Four additional OACs; see table below for OAC prerequisites (in addition to OAC calculus) for the different mathematical/physical/computer science programs.
Program OAC Prerequisites Recommended OACs
Actuarial Science algebra & geometry; finite math physics, algebra & geometry
Applied Mathematics algebra & geometry  
Astronomy algebra & geometry, physics chemistry
Chemistry chemistry, algebra & geometry physics
Computer Science algebra & geometry/finite math physics
Environmental Geosciences biology, chemistry physics, algebra & geometry
Physical/Environmental Geography biology, chemistry physics
Geology chemistry; physics algebra & geometry
Mathematics algebra & geometry  
Physics algebra & geometry, physics  
Planetary Science chemistry, physics, algebra & geometry  
Statistics algebra & geometry  


Humanites (Arts ) and Social Sciences Category (includes economics)

If you plan to pursue a Humanities (Arts) or Social Science Program, apply for admission in this category and present the following six OACs:

  • English 1/anglais;
  • Five additional OACs.

In the language departments, students with OAC language credits are assigned to higher-level courses appropriate to their level of proficiency. Students may also begin the study of many languages at the University without prior background.
Most Humanities and Social Sciences have no specific OAC prerequisites. The following programs, however, do require or recommend certain OACs:

Program Required OACs Reccommended OAC
Architecture*   calculus, physics*
Classics   latin
Economics calculus, algebra & geometry/finite  
Employment Relations   calculus
Environmental Studies   math
Forest Conservation   biology, chemistry, physics
Geography   math
History & Philosophy of Science:   sciences

* These OACs (or their equivalent) recommended for those students who are considering programs in architecture; they are not required for the undergraduate program in Architectural Studies (see Section 5: ARC).



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