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Academic And Personal CounsellingThe Registrar's Office of each student's College is the focal point for information and advice of all kinds, and should be consulted as soon as any problems of an academic or personal nature are encountered. The College Registrars are:
Most of the Colleges offer academic support services, such as Writing Laboratories to provide students with assistance in writing assignments, essays and reports; Mathematics Aid Centres; tutorial services; etc. For further information, see the individual College listings (see Section 7), or consult the College Registrar. Students with problems relating to the teaching of courses (lectures, tutorials, evaluation, work-load, etc.) that they cannot resolve with the instructors concerned, can obtain advice and assistance either from the Undergraduate Secretary of the particular Department, or from their College Registrar (see Section 7). The Departments and College Program offices should be consulted for advice on courses and programs they sponsor. They also have brochures giving more details of courses and programs than is possible in the Calendar. First Year students are particularly urged to consult program sponsors during the Fall-Winter Session for details on enrolling in programs. (All students must enrol in at least one Specialist or Major or two Minor program(s) upon passing four courses.) Students registered in Divisions other than Arts and Science who have problems with Arts and Science courses should go for advice either to the departmental Undergraduate Secretary or to the registrar of their own Faculty or School. Career CentreThe Career Centre offers career counselling and employment services to students and recent graduates. We help you determine a career direction and teach you employment-related skills, through either workshops or individual appointments. Job search seminars are held regularly. The Career Resource Library is a valuable resource in the formulation of career plans and in the search for employment. It includes academic calendars, the Graduate Awards Database, and a wealth of information on occupations, career planning and related subjects. The Centre presents a series of panels/events where professionals discuss their career areas, an excellent way to gather career and labour market information. The Extern Program is an ideal way to investigate a career area. You are matched with a sponsor and spend up to one week in their workplace. Summer and part-time jobs are also posted at the Centre. Graduating students seeking employment may register with the Graduating Students Employment Service, which offers seminars and an employment listing service from September until March. After that, graduates may seek employment through the Recent Graduates Employment Service. Before applying for a job, ensure you have an effective resume by having it critiqued at our Resume Clinic. Come and take advantage of all our services. Career Centre: Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 416-978-8000. Counselling & Learning Skills ServiceThe Counselling and Learning Skills Service provides students with professional counselling for personal concerns such as anxiety, depression, relationship problems, emotional trauma from abuse or assault, prolonged stress. Complete client confidentiality is strictly observed. The Learning Skills program includes lectures, workshops, and individual consultations on a variety of learning skills such as time-management, textbook reading, notemaking, etc. These services are available in the Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street. To arrange an initial interview, drop in or phone 416-978-7970. Emergency service operates 9-5 Monday to Friday. DisAbility Services for Students The mandate of this service is to facilitate the inclusion of students who have disabilities and chronic health conditions into the academic and co-curricular life of the university. Students first meet with an intake counsellor to discuss their individual needs. Students may then be referred to one of the professionals on staff, such as the Adaptive Equipment Consultant, Learning Disability Specialist or Occupational Therapist to identify strategies for support and to determine appropriate accommodations. All discussions are confidential and information is disclosed only with the permission of the student. Other services provided in accordance with student eligibility:
The main office is in the Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 3rd Floor, Toronto Ontario M5T 2Z9. For more information please call 416-978-8060 (voice) or 416-978-1902 (TDD); FAX: 416-978-8246. Many students balance family obligations with their studies. The University is committed to fostering a family-friendly learning and working environment.The Family Care Office provides information, guidance, and referral services to students requiring child care (facilities, programs, or subsides), elder care and assistance with other family matters. Additional services include support groups and workshops such as Choosing Child Care that Works for your Family, Financial Survival for Student Families, and Family Rights for Lesbians and Gays. All services are free and confidential. The Family Care Office has a resource centre containing practical material on family issues ranging from pregnancy and infant care to lesbian and gay parenting and caring for elderly family member. It also houses information on activities and facilities for student families on campus and in the community. The Family Care Office: Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street. Phone: 416-978-0951 or Fax: 416-946-5466 or E-mail: family.care@uotronto.ca Web address: www.library.utoronto.ca/familycare Health ServiceClinical, Psychiatric and Athletic Injury services are available at the Medical Clinic, Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street (416-978-8030), the Psychiatric Division (416-978-8070), and the Athletic Injury Surgery in the Warren Stevens Building (416-978-4678). Students from outside Canada should apply for the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) as soon as they arrive in the province. Application forms are available at the Health Service. Out-of-province students, if they are not covered by their own provincial plan, should also apply to OHIP as soon as possible. Housing ServiceFirst year students apply for on-campus residence on the Confirmation Form sent out by Admissions and Awards. Information on residences is provided with the Confirmation Form. The University Housing Service on the St. George Campus serves as a year-round source of up-to-date residence information and has a residence terminal that allows students to view photographs and get information on all residences. Students wishing information on the apartment-style Family Housing should apply to the Housing Service as soon as they are seriously considering attending the University. The Housing Service maintains listings of private and shared accommodation advertised by city landlords and students. This accommodation is usually located within 30-45 minutes travel time from campus, either by walking, cycling, or using public transportation. Rooms in shared houses or apartments off-campus generally cost $300 - $600 per month. Students requiring private apartments off-campus pay $400 - $800 (bachelor), $500 - $900 (one bedroom), or $800 - $1200 (two-bedroom). For more information contact the Housing Service, Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2Z9, 416-978-8045; FAX: 416-978-1616; e-mail: housing.services@utoronto.ca International Student CentreAt the International Student Centre (ISC) all students can take part in social and cultural programs with an international focus, or just take a break from the pressures of studies. "Interchange", ISC's work or study abroad resource centre, provides information on overseas programs. ISC also offers special services to international students: pre-arrival information (sent with the admission offer), reception service and orientation events, English language program, Newsletter, personal counselling and advice on non-academic concerns. Contact: ISC, 33 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E3. Telephone: 416-978-2564. Sexual Harassment OfficeSexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention or coercion. It may take the form of verbal abuse or insults, innuendo, suggestive comments or jokes, unwelcome advances or physical contact, persistent pressure for dates, or any offensive emphasis on the sex or sexual orientation of another person or people. The University of Toronto endeavours to provide to all students, staff and faculty an environment that is free from sexual harassment. The University's Sexual Harassment Policy provides a procedure for making a formal complaint. The Sexual Harassment Education, Counselling and Complaints Office was established to educate the university community on this issue and to deal with complaints on a completely confidential basis. If you feel that you are being harassed, or are worried that a complaint may be made about your behaviour by someone else, contact the Office. The Office is at 40 Sussex Avenue (3rd floor). It is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and can be open at other times by appointment. Telephone 416-978-3908. Student Unions And AssociationsStudents who wish to consult other students about their choice of courses may seek help from:
The Arts and Science Students' Union (ASSU) The Arts and Science Students' Union (ASSU) represents over 13,000 full-time undergraduates in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St. George Campus. ASSU is an umbrella organization with 40 student Course Unions. Getting involved with a Course Union is the best way to be directly involved in your education and it's an excellent way to meet other students in your discipline. Annually, ASSU publishes student evaluations of courses and instructors in the ANTI-CALENDAR, which is free to all students. Other services include past final exams, lockers, photocopying, faxing and pop Also, if you have any problems with your courses or instructors go to the ASSU office and discuss your options in complete confidence. ASSU is in Room 1068 Sidney Smith Hall; telephone 416-978-4903. The Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students (APUS) All part-time undergraduate students at the University of Toronto are members of APUS. The role of the Association is to ensure its members have access to a broad range of services, programs and resources within the University. This is achieved by representing part-time students throughout the decision-making process of the University, and of governments, as well as by acting as a voice for the concerns of its members. APUS also offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to part-time students throughout the year, and services such as final exams and photocopying. The APUS office, in Room 1089 of Sidney Smith Hall, is open days and evenings during the summer and winter sessions. For further information telephone 416-978-3993. University OmbudspersonAs part of the University's commitment to ensuring that the rights of its individual members are protected, the University Ombudsperson investigates complaints from any member of the University not handled through regular University channels. The Ombudsperson offers advice and assistance and can recommend changes in academic or administrative procedures where this seems justified. In handling a complaint, the Ombudsperson has access to all relevant files and information and to all appropriate University officials. The Ombudsperson handles all matters in strict confidence, unless the individual involved approves otherwise. The Ombudsperson is independent of all administrative structures of the University, and is accountable only to Governing Council. For further information, please contact the Office of the University Ombudsperson, University of Toronto, The Fields Institute, 222 College Street Suite 161. Telephone: 416-978-4874; Fax: 416-978-3439; e-mail: ombuds.person@utoronto.ca; website: www.campuslife.utoronto.ca/Ombudsperson. Writer-In-ResidenceEach year the University appoints a well-known Canadian writer to work with students, faculty and staff interested in creative writing. For further information, contact the Department of English, 416-978-3190. |
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